Sewing Pins VS  Sewing Clips

Learn the difference between sewing pins vs Sewing clips

Fabric pins Pro’s – Inexpensive and you can find them in many stores or online  – Great for layers of fabric – Great for long stretches of sewing – Easy to use – Don’t break like clips can – Last a very long time

– They hurt when they prick you – Hard to find if you drop one on the floor – They can’t be used with all fabric – Can bend a needle if you sew over them

Fabric pins con

Sewing Clips Pro's

– Strong – Holds most fabrics together – Great for slippery lightweight materials that pins don’t work with – Holds down patterns without poking holes in them

Sewing Clips Con's

– More expensive than pin – Bulky when sewing – Makes your fabric heavier

Learn more about sewing pins and see which ones are everyone's favorites on our website.