hearts quilting design patterns
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7 Easy Quilting Design Patterns Every Quilter Needs In Your Library

Is there anything better than sewing the last quilt block on your quilt patterns? Well, I think there is. I love figuring out my quilting design patterns to finish off my quilt.  

My aunt owns a long arm quilting machine and so when I have finished my quilt, I head to her house with my quilt top and pick out my quilting design patterns. Each quilt has a unique look and I try to personalize it for the recipient. 

As longarm quilters, she has an entire pattern library for finishing the whole quilt. There are so many design tools available depending on your quilting projects. 

Quilting Design Patterns

rocket and star quilting design patterns
Photo Credit: Etsy.com

​We were looking for some new patterns for a baby quilt we are making and thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite digital designs for finishing the entire quilt.

I believe most of these will fit a typical longarm quilting machine, but always check the file format needed for your machine. 

All of the patterns come as a digital pattern with a digital download link so make sure you recognize that.

It’s smart to create a Google Drive folder for all your digital patterns or use the Cloud storage. Somewhere that if your computer crashed, you still have it available online. 

Heart Quilt Design

Photo Credit: Etsy.com

Download Heart Quilt Design

This heart quilt design I use ALL the time. I have used it with fat quarters quilts, my favorite 3 yard free quilt pattern along with our Valentine’s mini quilt. It includes computerized quilting machines and embroidery formats and edge designs that are beautiful on a quilt. 

You will definitely want to add this to your shopping cart and keep in your pattern file. 

Leaf Quilting Designs

Photo Credit: Etsy.com

Download leaf quilting designs

We used this design for a fall log cabin quilt pattern. LOVED how it turned out. My niece loved it so much that she wanted the same pattern on her quilt we made using half square triangles. 

This is a another great pattern to have in your design library people can choose from. 

Rainbow Quilt Design

Photo Credit: Etsy.com

Download: Rainbow Quilt Design

There are so many great ways to use these quilting design patterns. I loved this on a kid’s quilt. The quilt was blocks of pink, purple, yellow and green with some printed pattern of butterflies. A girly quilt for sure. 

We wanted something fun for the quilting design patterns, and this one fit the bill to a tee. So many times, especially with little ones, they don’t notice these details. 

This little one though LOVES rainbows and when she noticed the quilting design patterns she literally jumped up and down and squealed with delight. Nothing better as a quilter in my opinion. 

Tree Quilt Design

Photo Credit: Etsy.com

Download Tree Quilt Design Pattern

This is my go to for Christmas or nature quilts. It’s so beautiful and look awesome on darker colored quilts. The deep rich colors of fall and winter with this design is just stunning. 

Don’t forget, you can also use them on quilted table runners or make a simple wall hanging out of a 3 yard quilt pattern and then use these quilting design patterns. 

Flower Quilt Design

Photo Credit: 627handworks

Download Flower quilt design

This looks like a flower to me, but I don’t think it’s over girly. I think it could easily be used on a man’s quilt.  What do you think?  Along with the heart patterns above, we use these quilting design patterns a lot. 

If you are doing different sizes for the quilts, make sure and read the description. It talks about stacking your files once you do the pattern download.  I love the simplicity of this design. 

Rocket Quilt Design

Photo Credit: Etsy.com

Download Rocket Quilt Design Pattern

I had to include this as part of this list of quilting design patterns. I used this for a special little boy that we made a rocket 3 yard quilt pattern for. I loved the quilt pattern and wanted to finish is off with just as much cuteness. 

This rocket and star design was the perfect finish. He LOVED it. His momma sent me a photo of him wrapped up in his quilt with the dog who is his BFF right next to him. 

​Don’t you love when your quilts are used and appreciated? Makes all that time and effort so worth it. His little sister wants a rainbow quilt, so guess what quilting design patterns I will be using? You guessed it! 

Dog Quilt Design

Photo Credit: Etsy.com

Download Dog Quilt Design

This design is precious for a sweet little ones quilt. We created a brick quilt pattern and added these quilting design patterns. It turned out super cute.  This would also be super cute if you made a dog quilt motif or used really cut dog fabric. 

These are just a few of our favorites. Etsy has so many cut quilting design patterns that are reasonably priced. If you don’t own a longarm and are having someone finish your quilt, you can ask which patterns they have. 

If you find one you love on Etsy or another platform, you can always purchase the design you love and have your quilter use it on your quilt. You could even negotiate that into the price of quilting it. 

If you are needing some inspiration, here are some of our favorite quilt patterns. We have an entire library of quilt patterns that we loved making. 

Quilt Patterns

3 Yard Quilt Patterns

Fat Quarter quilt patterns

Easy quilt patterns for Beginners

Rail Fence Quilts

Log Cabin quilt patterns

Jelly roll quilt patterns

Fabric Giveaway

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Photo credit: Amazon
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