83 Funny and Inspiring Sewing Quotes Every Sewer Needs
Sometimes we need a laugh while we are sewing. These 83 quotes will brighten your sewing room.
Check out the bundle of SVG files you can use to take your favorite sewing quotes and make them into printable art using your Cricut, put on your favorite coffee cup or make some printable art. I hope you enjoy these funny sewing quotes.

Table of Contents
Sewing Quotes
“Fabrics doesn’t make exquisite dresses. It is the stitches.” – Treasure stitches
“My soul is fed with needle and thread.” – Proverb
“Stitching is relaxing, especially when you throw out all the rules!.” – Liz Kettle
“My sewing place is my happy place.” – Unknown

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy fabric and that’s pretty close.” – Unknown
“Your creative work will tell your story.” – Proverb
“Lines sewing fits pins pattern gathers sizing love.” – Proverb
“Beautiful things come together, one stitch at a time.” – Unknown

More Sewing Quotes
“Lines sewing fits pins pattern gathers sizing love.” – Proverb
“The only place where housework comes before needlework is in the dictionary.” – Mary Kurtz
“What I make with my hands, I give with my heart. ” – Proverb
“In crafting there are no mistakes just unique creations.” Proverb

“Any day spent sewing is a good day.” – Unknown
“Fabric doesn’t make exquisite dresses it is the stitches.” – Unknown
“Sewing – it’s not just a craft, it’s therapy.” – Proverb
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

Sewing Quotes for Your Sewing Room
“I like making a piece of string into something I can wear.” – Unknown
“May your bobbin always be full!” – Unknown
“Love is the thread that binds us.” – Proverb
“You can sew your own curtain to remain hidden from the dark side of the world. ” – Munia Khan

“Sewing each day keeps the crazy away.” – Unknown
“Sewing: A creative mess is better than tidy idleness.” – Unknown
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein
“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day, and at last we cannot break it.” – Horace Mann

“Just because it’s handmade doesn’t mean it’s cheap.” – Unknown
“I cannot count my day complete ’til needle, thread, and fabric meet.” – Unknown
“Memories are stitched with love.” – Unknown
“I come from a family of musicians. Even the sewing machine is a singer.” – Frank Carson

“Sewing is something you do to calm you, to relax you.” – Lainie Myklebust
“Never estimate the power of a woman with a sewing machine.” – Proverb
“When feeling low, it’s time to sew.” – Unknown
“We live in a web of ideas, a fabric of our own making.” – Joseph Chilton Pearce

“The soul of the artist cannot remain hidden.” – Henri J.M Nouwen
“There should be an extra day of the week called sew day.” – Makerist
“Being creative is not a hobby it’s a way of life.” – Proverb
“The act of sewing is the process of emotional repair.” – Unknown

“In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together.” – Unknown
“I googled my symptoms turns out I need to sew more.” – Proverb
“Beautiful things come together with one stitch at a time.” – Proverb
“I might look like I’m listening to you but in my head, I’m sewing.” – Proverb

Sewing Quotes Your Sewing Room Needs
“Adventures begin when you enter your sewing room.” – Unknown
“Creativity is making marvelous out of the discarded.” – Proverb
“You can’t buy happiness but you can buy fabric and that’s pretty close.” – Unknown
“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Unknown

“Sewing mends the soul.” – Proverb
“A single thread of hope is still a very powerful thing.” – Unknown
“I think sewing is a stress release. I’m not sure people are born quilters, but I do think it’s in their make? Up to get such joy from it. It’s a way to express yourself.” – Connie Baker
“When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of creation is completed inside us, the doors of our soul fly open and love steps forth to heal everything in sight.” – Michael Bridge
“A family stitched together with love seldom unravels.” – Letty Cottin Pogrebin

“From the manner in which a woman draws her thread at every stitch of her needlework, any other woman can surmise her thoughts.” – Honore De Balzac
“Really I don’t dislike cooking, but what you cook is eaten so quickly. When you sew, you have something that will last to show for your efforts.” – Elizabeth Travis Johnson
“Gather the threads of your life and stitch them into joy.” – Unknown
“Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern; it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like that – one stitch at a time taken patiently and the pattern will come out all right like the embroidery.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sewing Quotes
“Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threaded, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.” – Simone Signoret
“Just because it’s handmade doesn’t mean it was easy.” – Proverb
“I am certain that a Sewing Machine would relieve as much human suffering as a hundred Lunatic Asylums, and possibly a good deal more.” – Margaret Atwood
“There’s great satisfaction in seeing a thing take shape and form under one’s hands, especially if they are made from oddments into something worthwhile.” – Nella Last 1945

“Something handmade is so much more meaningful.” – Unknown
“I’m always tinkering with something – suddenly I’ll think I can work with wood, but then I’ll realize I can’t, so I go back to sewing.” – Melissa McCarthy
“Couture sewing for the home sewer means being able to build into wonderful fashions comfort and fit, bringing with it confidence, self-assurance, and security in self.” – Patricia Houser
“Fabrics doesn’t make exquisite dresses, it is the stitches.” – Treasure Stitches

“To be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go & place them into each project you make.” – Pat Bravo
“The challenges are part of the reason why it is so rewarding to sew a garment and be able to say ‘I made that.” – Assembil Books
“Like life, slow stitching is a process. You can’t get an ‘A’ in slow stitching any more than you can get ‘A’ in life. Do your best and keep at it.” – Mark Lipinski
“My work comes to life when the thread goes on top of the fabric.” – Lucy Silliman
“I don’t know why I split myself open for others knowing sewing myself up hurts this much afterward.” – Rupi Kaur

“As you practice slow and intentional stitching, your life, your attitude, your creativity, your health, your spirituality… All of it will benefit as a result.” – Mark Lipinski
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun!.” – Unknown
“Love, creativity, and dedication. That’s what goes into handmade.” – Proverb
“Sewing is a universal language where identity and creativity connect all communities.” – Jennifer Nobile
“I have always pictured acupuncture-like falling into a box of sewing needles, and then standing up refreshed and free of pain.” – Neil Leckman

“The sewing machine joins what the scissors have cut asunder, plus whatever else comes in its path.” – Mason Cooley
“No matter how it looks from the outside, everything that is made by hand requires a lifetime of effort.” – Kit Dunsmore
“Sewing small pieces together gives me a peaceful heart and a quilt to wrap you with, my love.” – Benita Skinner
“Writing is like sewing together what I call these ‘buttons’, these bits and pieces.” – Sandra Cisneros
“Families are like old quilts… although they tend to unravel at times… each can be stitched back together with love.” – Unknown
“To be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go & place them into each project you make.” – Proverb
“The joy of stitching is knowing that no one else in the world has the same outfit as you.” – Tilly Walnes

“If you don’t have experience sewing, start with that, because that will inform what you are able to design.” – Tim Gunn
“Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing, the days pass quickly when I am sewing.” – Proverb
“The sewing machine charm to a life bound my family, the thread that ties us all together.” – Viola Shipman
“Needlepoint: the delicious art of filling in holes with wool.” – Carole Berman and Jennifer Lazarus
We hope you enjoyed these inspirational sewing quotes and had a good laugh.
The next time you are frustrated with your sewing project, simply come back and see the best quotes for your craft room or sewing room.

Other Sewing Resources:
If you are new to sewing, we recommend that you start by learning the basics and starting with a simple project like the potholder.
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